Classroom Game Boards for any Subject

How do you keep students engaged, motivated and excited about learning? This is something that all teachers spend countless hours trying to figure out. We write lessons, create activities and develop strategies that will help us reach our students and help them to learn. I find that games are an important part of instruction. They are interactive, engaging tools for enhancing learning. All ages of students like games. So, why use games in the classroom?

Games Help Students Learn Content: 

Students play games to practice and develop a better understanding of skills, concepts and vocabulary. The games they play must be meaningful and have an educational purpose so we must choose them wisely.

Games Keep Students Engaged: 

In order for students to remember content, they must be focused and engaged. Worksheets and textbooks do not hold student's attention like a game does. So, the same content found in those resources will be better retained if read and practiced in a game format.

Games Incorporate a Multitude of Skills: 

In addition to the actual content you want students to learn from a game, they are using and practicing other skills as well. Students must use reading skills to read directions, cards and prompts in games. Math skills are necessary in counting, managing points and keeping track of scores. Critical thinking and social skills are very important as they spend time playing games with others. Games also help teach and reinforce teamwork and sportsmanship as well.

Because I feel that games play such an important part in the classroom, my TPT store is full of products that include them for students to play. Included is this set of generic Game Boards.

To Play as a Whole Class:

Project one on your Elmo or Overhead Projector. You would lead the game by moving the game markers for the students. This is a great to practice or review skills. Divide your class into teams and have a coin or game marker that represents each team. You can use a worksheet, practice page from a book or task card. To play, read a question or problem out loud. All students answer on their own paper. Call on one group or student to give the answer. If they answer correctly, they get to roll the dice and you move their team's game marker. Continue play until one team reaches the end.

To Play in a Small Group or Station:

The game can also be used in small groups or stations by making a folder game. To make a folder game, print the game board on card stock. Use any task cards you already have and a pair of dice. There you go. Instant game to keep students engaged.

The packet also has editable game cards. You can add your own questions, vocabulary, math problems, etc to the game cards, print them and put with the game. Add the spinner and you have a themed game that will be great fun for students.

To download your own generic Gameboards, click the picture below:

For a FREE SAMPLE of my game boards try out these Halloween Game Boards:

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Until Next Time.....

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