Back to School Tip #4
Meet the Teacher
Each August, our school does a Meet the Teacher Night the Friday before school starts. For an hour and a half, our building is open for families to come to our campus. Students get to see where their new classroom is and meet their new teacher. This is not the time when a formal presentation is made by administration or teachers (This happens a few weeks after school starts at our Open House/Grade Level Meetings). Meet the Teacher is strictly a time for students to come up to school, get acquainted their new classroom, check out their new desk, and meet their new teacher.
For this event, the classrooms are ready: All decorated, organized and looking great! This is another good reason we do this the Friday before school starts. Since classrooms are ready, teachers can go home at the end of the day, relax and not worry about their rooms the weekend before school begins. (Like that stops them from totally not worrying. NOT! But, every little bit helps.)
Since you get a lot of parents to attend during Meet the Teacher Night, here are some things you want to make sure and have ready for them:
1. Collect Names, Phone Numbers and E-mail Addresses: Be sure to have some sort of sign in sheet that requires them to give you their phone number and E-mail address. This way you have the most up to date information right at your fingertips.
2. Find Out How Students will be Getting Home: You need to find out how students will be getting home from school each day. This is especially important to know for the first day. You want to make sure they make it home safely. I set out sheets like these for parents to put their child's name on. They sign on the sheet that tells me how that student will normally be getting home.
3. Sign-Up Parent Volunteers: This is a great time to get parents to volunteer to help out in your classroom. Have a sign-up sheet or a form they can fill out to let you know how they can help you. They don't always have to come up to school to volunteer. Many parents work and cannot do that. I let them know that is not a problem. I have lots of things they can do to help at home in the evenings. They can cut and prepare centers and games, staple packets, assemble minibooks and so much more. Some parents are able to come during the day and can volunteer on a regular basis. I have them do things like reading with students, helping tutor with flashcards, put up bulletin boards, stuffing paperwork in student envelopes, etc. Some parents can only come every once in a while when they have a chance. That works for me too, there is always something they can do to help. Meet the Teacher is a great time to put some names in place to give you a hand.
4. Classroom Wishlist: Another way parents can help is to donate things you need for your classroom. I'm not talking about the regular school supply items that they send with their child on the first day of school. I'm talking about those extra things we never have enough of and have to spend our own money on: Antibacterial Wipes and Sanitizer, Sharpies, Crayola Markers, Colored Post-Its, Post-It Tabs, Laminating Pouches, Colored File Folders, Cardstock, Treasure Chest Trinkets and Treats and even Books for the Classroom Library. It's worth asking if you even get just a few items. I set mine out with sticky notes and a simple sign. But, there are many cute, clever ways to ask for these items. (Search Teacher Wish List Ideas on Pinterest) Here are a couple of fun examples from the ladies at Teach, Create, Motivate and Sweet Tooth Teaching.
If you want to set up a simple Wish List area in your own classroom here is a freebie for you. Use this sign and some stickie notes to let parents know what you need for your classroom. There are two versions. This full page version and a half page version you can fold in half and stand like a table tent. This is a quick and easy way to hopefully get some great new supplies. Click here to download.
If you'd like some extra ideas and printables to help you during your Meet the Teacher Night, you may want to check out the products in this packet. Click the picture below to link to my TPT store and check it out.
For other Back to School Teacher Tips click the link below:
Back To School Teacher Tip #1: Building Relationships
Back To School Teacher Tip #2: Classroom Organization
Back to School Teacher Tip #3: Classroom Expectations
Back To School Teacher Tip #4: Meet the Teacher
Back To School Teacher Tip #5: First Day of School
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